This is MY year. Sound familiar? But what is really new about the year? Does changing a number on the date really change me? Wishful thinking, but, of course, it doesn’t! I came across a meme a few weeks ago that said this: “2024 is not your year. It’s God’s year.” It goes on to say that God allows us to be part of the year of 2024. He is the one who establishes our plans and guides our footsteps. And it finishes with “let this be the year we serve God over serving ourselves.” What a novel idea! Can you imagine how the world would change if we strived to serve God all year, every year, instead of making resolutions that we forget about after two weeks?
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17 If you have accepted Christ as your Savior, you are already new! No changing of the numbers will make that any different.
The world around us emphasizes ME: self-care, self-serving, selfishness, what do I want? But as Christians, we should be looking for ways to serve God and to serve others. My goals (not resolutions!) for this year are to dig deeper into God’s Word and have a deeper relationship with Him. I want to do what pleases Him even though, sometimes, what I really want is to do what pleases me. What goals have you set for yourself recently?
There are many ways we can serve God, but have you ever considered joining the CWCf team? You could volunteer as much as you like. My husband and I are full-time missionaries with CWCf, but we have folks that are on projects for a few months, a few weeks, or just one week. Applying is fairly easy, and you have the privilege of serving God by serving others. Are you physically unable to serve in construction? There are other ways to serve! Some of our projects have other needs, not just building and renovating. And then, there is always serving God with our finances. If you can’t go, perhaps you could enable someone else to go with a financial gift.
Let this be the year things change. A new you? Maybe. What is it God would have you do this year? Is it something that could be lifechanging? Or perhaps it is just a little thing. Lots of little things add up to big things! Whatever we do, let it be something that serves our Lord and blesses others. To Him be the glory!
Kim Kunkle, Faith Supported Missionary
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I’m sure I’ve shared this before, and I know I will say it, again: Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out
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