
We Can Do It!
“But what about women? What can they do?” These are questions often asked of us when explaining our ministry with CWCf to others. You have to admit, most women are not into construction. We do have a few brave souls who work alongside their husbands and enjoy building things. We have single ladies who drive their own rigs to projects and just jump right in!
With March focusing on women, and International Women’s Day happening this month, I thought it would be an excellent time to address this topic. You have heard the saying, “Behind every great man, there is a great woman.” This is true of all the couples I know in our ministry. Whether they work on the jobsite beside their man or behind the scenes doing something else, husband and wife are complementing each other. Mike has often said he couldn’t do this ministry without me.
I enjoy traveling from project to project with my husband, especially when the project is near our girls and grandchildren. I enjoy making our toy hauler a home. I enjoy the interaction I have with those on the project with us and those in our client ministries. I am not a carpenter. I do not possess those skills, but God can use me in other ways.
Sometimes our projects need someone to help with housekeeping or in the kitchen. Oftentimes, there are flowerbeds to be made beautiful, once again. There can be opportunities to sew, do decorative painting, help in the office, or even teach children! Maybe you would feel led to start a Bible study for the ladies in the church or camp office. There is ALWAYS something to do. Trust me, I never lack for work.
Women had an important part in Jesus’ ministry. They followed Him and were also disciples of His. Some of them had the means to support The Way financially. Jesus gave women great honor and respect. That was something lacking in biblical times. Women were considered second-class citizens, but Jesus gave them respect. He spoke with them, was thoughtful and caring when necessary, and He also pointed out their sin when needed, for Jesus wants all to repent and enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus valued the fellowship, prayers, service, testimony, and witness of women.
It is the same today. Women have a great opportunity to serve Jesus in our ministry. Whether it is behind the scenes or in the forefront, we can make a difference in the world.
I know it is quoted often, but it is such a good passage I’m going to use it, anyway:
“Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Give her the fruit of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates.” Proverbs 31:30-31
-By Kim Kunkle, Faith-Supported Missionary
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