Stepping Out
“We are more fulfilled when we are involved in something bigger than ourselves.” John Glenn
Have you done anything big, lately? I mean really big? I can honestly say, I haven’t done anything most would consider monumental. Sometimes, little things can be big. I have been doing some things that I have never done before. Things like drilling holes. That is definitely more along Mike’s expertise. I am much more comfortable sitting at a computer, crafting or organizing something.
There is something to be said about being stretched out of your comfort zone. I would normally find things to volunteer with at camps that I know I can do. But when we are on a project that doesn’t involve those types of things… I find it difficult to want to learn something new. I may even dig my heels in and say, “But God, send someone else!”
Who might He send to come and work alongside my husband when I am already here? Yes, I might get behind on some other work I need to do. I may just rather be sitting and knitting. Don’t misunderstand, there is nothing wrong with the other work I have to do or knitting a baby afghan for a new grandchild on the way, but God may have more important work for me to accomplish this day.
“And calling the crowd to him with his disciples, he said to them, ‘If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s will save it. For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?’” Mark 8:34-36
We should make plans, but we need to leave room for God to work. Personally, I have to daily surrender my day to the Lord. Perhaps knitting or crafting won’t forfeit my soul, but I could be helping someone else. I could have a part in leading someone to Christ. God just may have bigger and better things for me to do.
I do have a tendency to avoid strenuous work. Give me a desk job, any day! Mike is the carpenter; I have always been his secretary. But there are times when I need to step out and do something new. It is such an awesome feeling to accomplish something I never dreamt I’d be able to do! Our work with CWCf allows us to help—mostly behind the scenes—to build the Kingdom. Our work frees up ministry workers to continue with the important job God has assigned to them. We allow them to minister to others while we do their construction work. What a tremendous privilege!
I am amazed at the folks in our ministry who are retired and could be sitting at home relaxing, fishing, playing golf or traveling to sightsee, but they are here, boots on the ground, serving God by helping others.
Back to my original question: have you done anything big, lately? Ask God what big thing you can do for Him. He is pleased when His people look for ways to serve Him by serving others.
Kim Kunkle, Faith-Supported Missionary
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